Beyond Two-factor Authentication - How They Already Broke 3DS

Watch the webinar where we talked about the expectations we had from 2FA and the reality.


What is the true impact of Two-factor Authentication? Aleksander Kijek, our CPO, had the pleasure to introduce issues resulting from fraudsters’ robust phishing techniques. You can now watch the full video!

Vector-3 26 May 2020
Aleksander Kijek

Chief Innovation Officer, Nethone

Always at the helm of innovative product development. Bridges the gap between the tech and business teams, translates complex and technological ideas into clear gains with client needs turned into tangible product developments.

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Very recently, we observed important changes in the process of logging in to our bank accounts, all thanks to two-factor authentication (2FA). PSD2 Directive was implemented, countries had to adjust, and banks had to make significant changes to be compliant with the new regulations on time. As expected, the implementation of the new login security measures has not managed to stop fraudsters. They quickly found ways to walk around the new mechanisms and keep stealing data by tricking legitimate users as they did before.

Watch the webinar where we talked about the expectations we had from 2FA and the reality. You will also hear examples and real case studies on how fraudsters from different localisations take advantage of not-so-perfect and self-sufficient 2FA mechanisms.

Watch it now below or by visiting our youtube channel.

Watch now and learn more about true impact of Two-factor Authentication

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